A-Z Index

Order of Omega


Order of Omega is a national Greek honor society. Membership is based upon academics, service to the community, leadership within the chapter and Greek community, and participation in University activities, 俱乐部, and organizations. There are currently more than 500 Order of Omega active chapters.

The Lambda Omega Chapter at Northwest Missouri State is actively involved in the Greek Community. Whether participating in philanthropic events or providing new Greeks with training and community building, this group of honored Greeks represents the values all members strive to attain.

Purpose of Order of Omega

  • To recognize those fraternity men and women who have attained a high standard of leadership in interfraternity activities, to encourage them to continue along this line, and to inspire others to strive for similar conspicuous attainment;
  • To bring together outstanding fraternity men and women to create an organization which will help to mold the sentiment of the institution on questions of local and intercollegiate fraternity affairs.
  • To bring together members of the faculty, alumni, and student members of the institution's fraternities and sororities on a basis of mutual interest, understanding and helpfulness;
  • To help create an atmosphere where ideas and issues can be discussed openly across Greek lines and to help work out solutions.

Requirements for Membership

The qualifications for membership in Order of Omega shall be character, scholarship, service and leadership. Exemplary character shall be the primary consideration for membership in Order of Omega.

To be eligible for membership in Order of Omega, a student shall meet the following minimum requirements:

  • One full academic year of residence at the institution where selected.
  • Junior or Senior (undergraduate) standing.
  • Rank academically above the all-campus average.
  • Be in good standing with the initiate's fraternal organization.
  • At least one-third of each group of initiates shall be of junior standing at the time of initiation.

The selection of student members shall consider the following areas of a candidate's collegiate record:

  • Character
  • Scholarship
  • Greek offices held
  • Greek participation
  • Service to the university
  • Service to the local community

The number of students initiated each year may not exceed 3% of the total number of enrolled Greek undergraduates at the beginning of the academic year, or 15 members, whichever number is greater.


Each year the Northwest chapter of Order of Omega assists the Greek Life Office in challenging organizations of the Northwest Greek Community to evaluate their performances in the areas of scholarship, leadership, service, and brotherhood/sisterhood. Basic accreditation standards are required for each chapter to continue operating as a recognized Greek organization of this University.  Additional award standards provide an excellent opportunity for chapters to continually improve, 成长, and develop.

2018 Outstanding Greek 奖s

Recipient Chapter
Julie Victor Moore Lifetime Achievement 奖 Alison Hanner Sigma Kappa
Outstanding Fraternity President Sam Spencer Sigma Phi Epsilon
Outstanding Sorority President Jordan Poore Alpha Sigma Alpha
Outstanding Greek Man Jacob Liles Sigma Tau Gamma
Outstanding Greek Woman AshLee Wetig Sigma Kappa

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